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Fire Safety -

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Advance Group of Companies

Contact Person: Logan MacDonald

Mob: 0481844597
Tel: 1300 11 66 75
Fax: 07 5526 3331


Street Address:

117 Olympic Circuit
Southport, QLD 4215

Postal Address:

Po Box 1111
Ashmore City Qld 4214

ABN: 67097412729

The Advance Group have extensive experience in the installation and maintenance of lifts, fire protection systems, and electronic security. Advance have a diverse range of customers from government and industrial clients, to tourism and residential properties. With offices in the Gold Coast and Brisbane The Advance Group have dedicated teams to service customers from Tweed Heads to Gympie.

Auscoast Fire Services Pty Ltd

Contact Person: Wayne Nicholson

Mob: 0492481763
Tel: 07 5596 1270


Street Address:

105 Spencer Road
Carrara, QLD 4211

Postal Address:

1/105 Spencer Road
Carrara QLD 4211

ABN: 91 123 601 276

Auscoast Fire was established in 2007 and is a privately owned and operated fire protection business in Australia. Since Auscoast Fire commenced, the business has grown steadily and organically through dynamic differentiators comprising client transparency, award-winning innovation, and competitive pricing. Auscoast Fire Services is recognised as one of the most widely reputable protection companies in Australia, with close working relationships with all key players, including trade unions, suppliers, regulators, subcontractors, and industry bodies. Auscoast Fire is Queenslands exclusive in-house fire company and one of three in Australia.Goo


Street Address:

317 Castlereagh Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

Postal Address:

PO Box 5202
Hallidays Point NSW 2430

ABN: 43131340184