
Legal articles relating to legislation, disputes and civil suits

Contributed By: Quartz Legal on

Understanding the A – Z of Management RightsEnsure a smooth sale of your Management Rights business with our comprehensive pre-sale legal report! IndependenceAs independent lawyers with no interest in the sale or purchase, we guarantee an unbiased and impartial review of your agreements. You can be assured that we look at the agreements with complete independence. An Industry First We have observed a recurring issue: buyers and sellers investing significant time and money only to have sales fall through or be delayed due to legal issues uncovered during legal due diligence. This insight led us to a revolutionary idea: why not resolve these potential issuesRead More →

Contributed By: Jane Garcia on

Three things to know about pet approvals: Further updates to strata pet regulations in Queensland The ink is barely dry on the new legislation governing strata in Queensland and regulations governing pets have already been further refined, in favour of pets. Where previously a body corporate committee had 6 weeks to respond to an application for a pet to be kept in a lot, the prescribed period for a committee to consider a pet request has been shortened to 21 days. If the committee does not make a decision within the prescribed period, the pet is deemed to be approved.  Alternatively, if a general meetingRead More →

Contributed By: Jane Garcia on

Seeking clarity in management rights matters? Look no further!   Introducing Quartz Legal – not just another law firm, but your trusted adviser in management rights! With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by management rights clients, Quartz Legal is committed to providing robust, tailored solutions that prioritize Strength, Clarity, Transparency, and Integrity. Why use Quartz Legal?  Strength: Our team brings unparalleled expertise in management rights matters, ensuring that you receive the highest quality representation tailored to your specific needs.  Clarity: At Quartz Legal, we prioritize your needs and concerns, going above and beyond to deliver clear guidance and effective solutions, that safeguard your interests.  Transparency: WeRead More →

Contributed By: Hynes Legal on

Three takeaways: Hills to die on in management rights We often talk about the ‘hills to die on’ in management rights. And while that’s obviously colloquial, sometimes in management rights relationships there are times when you have to take a stand — and there are other times when you should roll over because it’s not worth the grief.  Reimbursement of expenses is one of those things.  Spinning out over spending Resident Managers often look at their agreements and argue they’ve got spending authority for $500 or $1000 per item or month; yet the body corporate is saying they can’t spend that money.  The reality isRead More →

Contributed By: REIQ on

The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) says it’s disappointed that the Property Law Bill has been prematurely introduced into Parliament while there’s still material matters to be worked through. The Bill seeks to implement a formal seller disclosure regime in Queensland. REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella said while the real estate peak body supported the introduction of a uniform statutory seller disclosure regime, this support was subject to the establishment of appropriate disclosure parameters and reasonable costs and accessibility to information associated with disclosure requirements. The REIQ has raised a number of concerns with the proposed legislation including: – impractical and unnecessarily complex requirements associatedRead More →

Contributed By: Aon Insurance on

There’s more to managing risk than insurance 6 pillars of managing risk in a service based business There’s not much in life that comes without risk – whether it’s starting a business, or even just crossing a road. When it comes to running your business, the biggest risk in your mind is probably not making a profit. However, events such as a client tripping over and injuring themselves while at your premises, or having legal action taken against you due to advice you provided are also incidents that can have a substantial impact on your business. While you might hold insurance to help cover youRead More →

Contributed By: Aon Insurance on

How bushfires may shape Australian housing design The devastation caused by bushfires have become a regular, unfortunate part of the Australian climate. Communities impacted watch (somewhat helplessly) as their properties, wildlife and vegetation are engulfed by flames. It’s unlikely bushfires are going to stop anytime soon, but with the intensity of them increasing, coupled with the effects of drought and extreme temperatures, it’s clear there are further challenges ahead in terms of adapting and ensuring communities are equipped to better withstand the impacts. While steps have been taken in Australian housing architecture to better enable resilience and cope with bushfires, there is still a wayRead More →

Contributed By: RTA on

The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) is encouraging Queenslanders to check their pool measures up with safety laws this summer.  As we spend more time in and around the pool this summer, it’s important for tenants and property managers/owners to understand their responsibilities when it comes to pool safety.   Safety standards  Under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (The Act), property owners are required to adhere to laws regarding the health and safety of people using or entering a property. This means being aware of and abiding by pool safety laws and standards under the Building Act 1975 if there is a pool on the property and theRead More →

THE Awards 2022 was a resounding success and everyone had a fantastic evening. A special thanks to our sponsors: HiRUM, Schindlers Lifts Australia, McAdam Siemon Accountants and Mike Phipps Finance for making the event possible. Here’s the professional images from the evening. We can’t wait to see you all next year!Read More →

Contributed By: Aon on

In a world where almost everything is paperless, keeping records and filing documentation is something that might slip your mind as you go about your usual business. While digitisation has made record keeping easier in some ways, it has also brought about some complexities. While there was a time when everything needed to be done in writing, nowadays a simple phone call can be enough to prompt action. Record keeping also goes beyond simply filing documentation. Think of all the ways you might interact with clients, whether that’s via phone, text, emails or in person. Good record keeping should encompass keeping details of all conversationsRead More →